On monday april 27th 2009 from
the combination of
12 pups are born - one black and three brown males
and four black and four brown bitches.

On saturday october 4th 2008 from
the combination of
Sofie, pedigree
(Southhoods Singing in the Rain) |
Colin, pedigree
(Devonshire French Harmony, VDH
Champ) |
6 pups are born - three bitches and three

On sunday november 18th 2007 from
the combination of
Winnie, pedigree
(Southhoods Wingmaster's True Love) |
Wilson, pedigree
(Devonshire Wilson Dream of the
Hill) |
4 pups are born - two bitches and two males.

On mondag march 12th Stacy gave birth to seven
pups, the mother and pups are healthy and well...