We got our first Labrador, a yellow bitch called Tasja, in 1984. In 1991 we found a black bitch Katy (Withara’s Gypsy’s Kathleen Kay), with her the Southhoods history started, all our dogs are her descendants (except Wilson and Colin). You will find her offspring, in it’s sixth generation, in the Netherlands, America, Germany and Belgium.

Southhoods labradors and their offspring are usually kept as family dogs, but also for the hunt, work, show and as guide dogs. Many dogs, together with their bosses, are active in many areas, like hunt-training, practical hunting, agility, breitensport, show-competitions with usually excellent placements and appealing results, some examples: Digger (Southhoods Regal’s Dutch Destiny), he left to America at the age of two and earned the title ‘Junior Hunter’ and became ‘Biss American and Canadian champion’. His son Robin (Clarion Wingmaster) came back to the Netherlands and became the ‘Bundesjungend Sieger 2000’ in Germany, he also reached third place in the open class at the World Dog show in 2002.